Friday, August 14, 2015

Fact Friday!!!

Hey there! Today's Friday, and everyone knows what that means! No...? Today is Fact Friday, where each Friday I will post 5 new facts about Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. So without further-ado, let's start.

Fact 1: Sauron, the creator of ONE ring. 

Yep. You know those twenty rings of power, as described in The Prophecy, as well as the prologue scene in The Fellowship of the Ring? Yep. Well, plot twist! The elves created 19 of the rings, leaving Sauron to only create the One Ring. The elves forged their rings, the dwarven rings, and the rings of Men. But because behind their back, Sauron created the One Ring, he was allowed to make that ring do whatever the heck he wanted, AKA destroy Middle Earth and take over.

Fact 2: In a way, Aragorn and Elrond are related. 

If you look at the family tree, of both Elrond and Aragorn, you can tell-

As you can see, Elrond has a brother named Elros, who became the King of Numenor. Aragorn is descendant of Numenor, so in a way, you can suppose that Elrond is great, great, great, (add around 50 more greats) uncle to Aragorn. This may also be a reason that Gilraen, Aragorn's mother, fled to Rivendell and gave Aragorn to Elrond to keep as his son after Arathorn's death. 

Fact 3: Aragorn's lip-scar is not fake. 

Have you ever noticed Aragorn's scar, just above the lip? 

Well, that's not awesome-movie-make-up-artist work. That scar is Viggo Mortensen's own scar-

See? It's his own. As spoken by Viggo in an interview or something, when the actor was 19, he accidentally crashed face-first into a barbed wire fence on Halloween. Oops...! 
They had considered editing out the scar in the movie, but Peter Jackson decided to keep it, as it made Aragorn look more weather-beaten, and more ranger-like. 

Fact 4: Pippin's scream is real. 

Remember this hilarious scene from Fellowship of the Ring? 

And then, remember the scream Pippin let out when it blew up in their faces? Well, that scream was entirely true. Billy Boyd was not informed exactly when the firework would go off, and when it did, he must've thought there was more time before it did, because his high-pitched scream was real.

Fact 5: Arwen and Aragorn were related long before marrige... 

As mentioned before, Elrond is Aragorn's great, great, great, ect. uncle. Well, Elrond's daughter was Arwen, making Aragorn and Arwen cousins... 63 times removed... awkward! Perhaps that's another reason why Elrond was so skeptical about their marrige... And considering you techincally shouldn't marry your cousin, and Eowyn is so happy with Faramir, that makes me a perfect candidate for Aragorn! Right?! Right...?

Well, there's your weekly dose of LOTR facts! Next week will be Hobbit related facts :3 See you around! -Anna

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