Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wrongly-Filmed Wednesdays!

Welcome to Wrongly-Filmed Wednesdays! Actually posted on the right day! It's late here where I am, but it's still Wednesday! Well, let's get started-

Order of Buisness: Two Mistakes in- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Number 1: Fili mysteriously morphs into Ori... is pretty much the best place you can go for movie mistakes. They point out pretty much every single mistake in a movie. It's honestly your best research-

but yep. As you can see, Fili mysteriously turns into Ori. It's not that big a deal, but it's still a fun fact to know- it's understandable, really. Perhaps Dean O'Gorman (Fili) was needed somewhere else and Adam Brown (Ori) had to fill in. 

Number 2: Door closes on it's own.

Remember this hilarious scene, with the two dwarven brothers? (My favorite is Fili, by the way ;) ) Well, after their introductions, they walk inside, the door still open. But after they all settle, and Bilbo goes back, the door is closed for when he opens it for Gandalf and the dwarves. Well, I suppose maybe Gandalf closed it and then knocked? The world may never know. 

Well, that's all I have for today! See you around. -Anna

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