Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meme Monday - Apologies for delay on posts!

Welcome to Meme Monday! First off, sorry for the delay of posts! I'll put up Tuesday's, as well as Wednesday's today. Well, let's get on with it, shall we?

Meme 1: Hipster Aragorn

He knows what hunts you...
but you've probably never heard of them.


Because. Just Because.

Meme 3: Tell 'em. 

If someone tell you you're a man... 
well, you kind of have to tell them you're not. 
Unless you are a man. 
Cause that would be weird.

Meme 4: Drunken Hobbits

Challenge accepted, bro.

Meme 5: Never, Aragorn. Never.

I thought you were smarter than that. 
But oh well ;)

And that's all we have for Meme Monday. See you around soon!

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