Saturday, August 15, 2015

Story Saturday!

Hey there! Welcome to Story Saturday- I know a lot of LOTR fans enjoy fanfiction, so here I will bring awesome LOTR and Hobbit fanfictions to your plate :)

1. Healing the Healers 

This fanfiction is very good- it's written by Eildon Rhymer on . Here's the summary-

"Sickness has come to Minas Tirith. Aragorn is doing what he can, but it is not just the sick of the city who need care, but their healers, too."

Now doesn't that just sound exciting?! I think so too- heck, I know it's good.

-no cover available-

2. Queen of the Swords/Lord of the Rings

This fanfiction is from Wattpad, written by Obrien_has_ styles . The summary-

"Secrets are secrets, and Esmeralda's path is unknown to her. But walls start breaking down, and she finds out the worst secrets of them all. Will she overcome it and with the help of the Fellowship, it seems possible. But even the strongest bonds break..."

Well isn't that interesting? I love this story, it's amazing. :3

That's all I have for today. See you on Monday! Love you all. -Anna


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