Thursday, August 20, 2015

Traditional Thursday!

Welcome to Traditional Thursday! What's Traditional Thursday, you ask? Well, keep reading and you'll find out ;)

During Traditional Thursday I will blog about my favorite scenes from movies. Let's start at the beginning of the timeline, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

Now Presenting:
Bilbo Baggin's Home 
An Overview by Anna

This is, by far, my most favorite scene in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, besides the Rivendell Scene. All the dwarves coming together and laughing, singing, feasting in Bilbo's house makes you crack a smile, even if you don't particularly like The Hobbit. 
The concept of the dwarves walking in, like they have been informed is hilarious in itself as they communicate with the others, but what makes it a whole lot better is the fact that
  Bilbo had been left out on the plan.
As the chaos begins, and increases as time moves on, Bilbo still tries to be a good host. 
But the whole scene isn't just about humor-
it gives the viewers an overview of each and every (main) character, from the time Dwalin shows up to the time that Bilbo wakes the next day. It shows the manners of Bilbo, the fun-loving youngness of Fili and Kili, and the hard, cold humor of Thorin as he comes in and all partying is stopped.

Well, that's all I have for today- Thank you for stopping by! -Anna

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